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At first glance, this Edo-period castle next to the gigantic mountain's surface level seems like nothing special. However, this place is filled with ninjas, monsters, and demons that will not hesitate to attack any unwelcome figures. Aside from that, the castle is home to an alien living inside a gargantuan statue on the highest floor that is the source of all monsters inside. The alien has tremendous evil power, able to bend the castle floors as it sees fit and can corrupt anyone to do its bidding. A resolute heart and well-equipped body are necessary if one is to brave this mysterious castle.

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The work of a talented painter sits hidden in a massive cavern near the base of a mountain. A painting that dwarfs even two-story buildings with ease draws in and traps those that get too close, sucking them into the painting and trapping them within the world terrible world it depicts. It is a frozen, snowy, lifeless land. An old and decrepit, yet massive, stone structure sits atop a mountain surrounded by sheer cliffsides, proving to be the main area of interest. The undead haunt the area, empowered by whatever magic gives this place life. From giant rats and humans to dragons and abominations that defy explanation, the area is extremely hostile to those that enter it. The only way to escape the painting is to climb to the top of the cathedral and jump off the mountain. It's said that a giant woman in white guards over the cathedral, guiding those who reach her to leave but becoming hostile if they do not.

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Recent Post by TheSpatialWeeg (Mar 31, 2022 20:20:30 GMT -8)

Eye of the Storm Dragon (Closed)

The highest mountain in all of Li. According to the natives of Skyrim, humankind was born at its peak. The snow here never melts, even when brought to warmer climates or subjected to intense heats. It's very common to find dragons around the summit, many of which take mortals climbing it as a challenge. The bottom 75% of the mountain is home to what's aptly named as "The Seven Thousand Steps", a stone staircase leading up to a monastery known as High Hothgar sitting at the 75% mark of the climb. Although its previous inhabitants were seemingly slaughtered by the starvia for their arrogance, decades of research into a magical 'voice' lay waiting to be discovered, perfectly preserved by the inhospitable climate.

Icicle Peaks

Icicle Peaks
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Icicle Peaks

Deep within this icy mountain range lays a mammoth of a mountain caked with ice and constantly stricken by a never ending snow storm. The Ice Climbers, Nana and Popo would train religiously upon its peak to become stronger. Sadly, the Starvia has reached even this distant place, and the enemies here are incredibly powerful forced to adapt in such harsh conditions. Braving this mountain will be a feat.

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