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Deep underground, in a location hot enough to cook you like a summer sausage if you stay for too long, a dragon tomb lays in wait. Guarding this tomb are mighty dragons that have fight to stave off the starvia through sheer force of body. However, they're not entirely successful and you'll occasionally find their fallen friends attacking indiscriminately. The tomb is decorated with the bones of dragons bigger than the imagination. You'll be walking through gigantic rib cages and skulls and tripping over femurs if you're not careful. The dragons, at least the non-infected ones, are of a lawful neutral alignment. Outsiders are not welcome without their permission and may be attacked if they enter without permission. Beware, as in addition to being dragons they also tend to be magicians, making their voices as powerful as their claws. It is said that ancient draconic treasures are kept here, as well as their young. The dragons and their tribe retreated here when the starvia began encroaching on other areas of the cave system, as it is the most easily defensible area of the area. Occasionally, you can find magical laser turrets guarding the entrances to pathways.

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An anomalous location sitting at the corner of the universe where the fabric of space-time comes to its end, oddly enough sitting right here on Li. This bizarre spacial anomaly is the source of a great deal of esoteric behavior. Disembodied dirt roads float off into space, leaving a spacial void in their wake that would logically lead to the center of the planet yet has no end, only sheer cliff faces surrounding it. Those who visit it find it difficult to recall what they saw and experienced and time seem to stop while you are here. A day can pass with but a few seconds going by in the outside world. Chunks of rock and clouds of sediment float around in defiance of gravity. Occasionally, powerful storms can be observed to throw them around. Yet, no wind can be felt. It is said that no one lives here, and yet if one reaches out with their senses they can distinctly detect a solitary presence. Unfortunately, this presence itself seems to supernaturally exit the mind if not pursued, proving extremely difficult to recall if one is not actively thinking about it. As one ventures deeper down the spiraling dirt roads leading into the abyss, the world becomes darker around them. The shimmering galaxies of what might appear to be space are replaced by a much colder, emptier atmosphere. You can feel an air of hopelessness just being in such a bleak place. Who or what would ever choose to live here..?

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Some refer to it as the underworld, others as the black kingdom, and others still simply as "hell". A portal leading to this dark place awaits hidden underneath Satan's very own tower, which itself is a labyrinth-like magic tower where the walls themselves may reach out and grab you if you're not careful. The underworld is filled to the brim with monsters who do not need the starvia's aid to strike fear and trauma into the hearts of mortals. For most characters, the underworld is one of the most dangerous locations they could choose to visit. However, it is not without merit. Forbidden and cursed treasures are rumored to lie in wait to those brave enough to face it. Be wary, as The Underworld is not known for allowing those who enter it to leave without paying a price of some sort. It is said, however, that the pure of heart can come and go as they please.

Madou Village

Madou Village
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Madou Village

Once home to a bustling eastern-rural town, Madou Village was devastated by the starvia and is now overrun with monsters. These monsters tend to swarm the village at night. It is rumored that the Magic School inside the village might contain valuable books and artifacts covering magical topics. A sturdily built, enormous eldritch tower lies not far off from the village in Satan's Villa. It is home to countless maze-like floors that seem to have been designed deliberately to make the tower difficult to navigate, leaving it unknown just what lays in wait for adventurers brave enough to scale it.

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